A/S application & Customer Inquiry

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A/S Application Information

Before submitting A/S, please read the following before submitting

Application for Courier A/S

  • DH Global's designated courier service is Rosen Courier (1588-9988).
  • If you complete the courier A/S service, you do not need to contact us separately as it will be automatically collected by Rosen Courier.
  • If you use another courier, you will be refused receipt and return action.
  • Please make a note of your name, mobile phone number, and product malfunction symptoms and send it along with the product.

Where to send the courier

  • DH Global Customer Service Team, 32 Cheomdanyeonsin-ro 29beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju (Yeonje-dong)

Product packaging

  • Due to the nature of the courier service, it is highly likely to be subjected to external shocks during transportation, so you must pack the product safely against shocks.
  • Please note that even if the product is damaged during transportation, it will be difficult to compensate through the courier if the packaging is insignificant.
  • If you want to keep the gift box unique to the product, send it by courier using a different packaging box.
  • The delivery center sends the product in a box after repair, so the box sent by the customer is discarded.
  • If you have accessories enclosed in the box, attach the enclosed item description to reduce the risk of loss..

Repair cost guide

  • If it is determined that repair costs will be incurred, we will contact you in advance and inform you of the procedure and cost.
  • If the customer agrees to the paid repair and deposits the repair fee, the repair will be carried out.
  • If payment details are not confirmed within 10 days after informing you of paid repairs, the product will be returned.
  • The bank to deposit the repair fee is Hana Bank, the account number is [000-000-0000], and the account holder is [DH Global].
  • When depositing repair costs, the name of the person making the deposit must be the same as the name of the AS applicant.
  • If there is confusion in the confirmation of the depositor, the terminal's AS processing will also be delayed.
  • If it is subject to free repair, we will proceed with the repair without contacting you.

Information on shipping cost burden

  • Within the warranty period - Return shipping costs are our responsibility.
  • After the warranty period - Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.
  • Even within the warranty period, the following cases are the responsibility of the customer.

1. In case of malfunction due to user's negligence) Claim for repair fee and round-trip delivery fee

2. If it is mistaken for a malfunction due to inexperienced use) Claim round-trip delivery fee

3. Simple upgrade request) Refusal to receive upgrade agency fee and action to return it

4. In the case of using a courier other than the designated courier company) Rejection of receipt and action for return

  • Products shipped via express service will be rejected and returned.

* Mark is a required entry. If you do not enter your password, you will not be able to confirm your inquiry.

Inquiry type*

Product inquiry

Product Inquiry 1

Product Inquiry 2

Product Inquiry 3




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Inquiry type*

Product inquiry

Product Inquiry 1

Product Inquiry 2

Product Inquiry 3

Product Inquiry 4

Product Inquiry 5

Product Inquiry 6

Product selection*

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Product Name2

Product Name3

Product Name4

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Product Name6

Fault symptom*


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Customer Support


Weekdays 09:00 ~ 17:00
Closed on Saturdays/Sundays/holidays
(Caller pays call fee)